"Who owns the information, owns the world"

Nathan Rothschild

Trust of billions
English Media Network

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#Startups #Businesses #Brands #Personalities
Mark Mobius said about the threat of devaluation of money next year
World currencies are facing a significant devaluation due to unprecedented stimulus measures taken by regulators around the world.

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live broadcasts
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The company
Verification of counterparties
Online Shopping Center

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Successful people
Li Ka-shing
Condition: $ 29.6 billion
FULL NAME: Li Ka-shing
Date of birth: 13.06.1928
Education: Secondary school
Professional skills: Hong Kong entrepreneur and philanthropist, one of the most influential businessmen in Asia (in business circles, he has the nickname "Superman").
Net worth: $ 29.6 billion
Hobbies: golf, gardening, feng shui, reading books on philosophy, history, economics and politics, collecting figurines of the mythical animal "Pi Yao"
Life credo: "Expand your vision and maintain stability, moving forward. This is my philosophy."

Focus on

Public companies
Inter Global Game
International Esports Organization
Subscriber reviews
  • Sara
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